The Builders Association of Minnesota works closely with Minnesota’s state legislators to promote home-building at a state and national level.
What We Do
State Government Affairs
2019-End of Session Summary.pdf
2018_End_of_Session Summary.pdf
2017_End of Session Summary.pdf
2016_End of Session Summary.pdf
2015 End of Session Summary
2015 _mid-session-report.pdf
2014_End of Session Summary.pdf
2014 mid session report.pdf
2013_End of Session Summary.pdf
Federal Government Affairs
The Builders Association of Minnesota works closely with Minnesota’s federal legislative delegation to promote home-building at a state and national level.
Licensed builders must build to the Minnesota State Building Code. BAM provides its members with engineered drawings and code compliance guides to make their job easier. Members Only | Click Here To Join
State law mandates a variety of requirements on licensed home builders. BAM makes it easier to comply by providing you with contract templates, the statutory warranty, and sample building guidelines – all of these are required by law. Members Only | Click Here To Join
If regulations get burdensome or make it hard for our members to complete a project, we are obligated to take it to court on behalf of our members. To view a list of all the legal actions we’ve taken and see the outcomes of each, start right here. Every case we’ve ever litigated is yours to peruse. Learn More
By contributing to BAM-PAC, members know their contribution will go to directly to lawmakers who support the building industry. BAM-PAC contributions are bi-partisan, with the sole purpose of helping to elect industry-supporting candidates. Learn More