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MPCA Construction Stormwater: Common Plan of Development/Subdivision Informational Video

McKenna Rodine and myself, Josh Norman,  work for the Construction Stormwater Unit at the MPCA in the Municipal Division. Our duties include inspecting construction sites to ensure compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System/State Disposal System (NPDES/SDS) permit.


In recent years, our unit has witnessed increased noncompliance for common plan of development/subdivision projects. These projects, typically new single-family home subdivisions, are required to submit subdivision registration forms for each lot. This requirement is often overlooked, leading to enforcement cases against the developers, builders, and even the homeowners themselves.


For the past three years, our unit has worked toward increasing compliance with this permit requirement through the development of educational materials, holding trainings, and other forms of direct outreach. Recently, McKenna and I have created a short video slideshow that breaks down the subdivision requirements for permittees. It is our hope that this video could be included in a newsletter or notice that BAMN sends out to its members.


We understand that there is confusion about permit requirements as they pertain to subdivisions, and believe that this video could answer many questions in a succinct fashion. The MPCA would greatly appreciate if this video could be included in a newsletter or in some other type of regular communication channel that BAMN utilizes to engage with its members. If this is not feasible, please let McKenna and I know if the video could be utilized elsewhere, or if there are other opportunities for us to provide guidance on the MPCA’s subdivision permit requirements, such as holding a training session.


The link:


If you have any questions, please contact either McKenna or myself.


Thank you,


Josh Norman

Environmental Specialist

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)

Municipal Division | Construction Stormwater

520 Lafayette Rd, St. Paul, MN 55155

O: (651)-757-2389 | C: (651)-703-8489





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