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Technical Advisory Group Frost Depth Study Meeting #1

Dear Frost Depth Study TAG Members and Interested Parties,

DLI will hold a Frost Depth Study Technical Advisory Group (TAG) public meeting on Wednesday, August 4, 2021, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The meeting will be held via WebEx.

The Frost Depth Study TAG is reviewing information, scientific studies and other materials related to frost depth to determine if there has been changes to conditions that necessitate further review of the minimum footing depths required for frost protection.

The Frost Depth Study TAG is reviewing information, scientific studies and other materials related to frost depth to determine if there has been changes to conditions that necessitate further review of the minimum footing depths required for frost protection.

There will be no in-person TAG meetings due to the current status of the state of Minnesota operating under the COVID-19 health pandemic. See Minnesota Statute 13D.021 for remote meeting requirements. Meetings will occur by Webex. View Webex instructions: interactive instructions and printable. To ensure your ability to connect, attempt log in at least five minutes prior to the start of the meeting. Contact Chad Payment at or 651-284-5841 for more information or if you are unable to connect to the meeting. Meeting dates and times are determined by the TAG leader.

View TAG members

Aug. 4, 2021, 9 a.m., meeting information

Frost Depth Study TAG meeting schedule
Aug. 4, 2021 – 9 a.m. Agenda Notes Worksheet Handouts
Sept. 1, 2021 – 9 a.m. Agenda Notes Worksheet Handouts
TBD Agenda Notes Worksheet Handouts
TBD Agenda Notes Worksheet Handouts


Green meeting practices

The State of Minnesota is committed to minimizing the environmental impact of this event by following green meeting practices. DLI is minimizing the environmental impact of its events by following green meeting practices. DLI encourages you to use electronic copies of handouts or to print them on 100% post-consumer processed chlorine-free paper, double-sided.


Please submit any comments regarding frost depth to Amanda Spuckler at


For help with questions about Technical Advisory Groups, contact Rich Lockrem at or 651-284-5868.


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