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Update for NAHB Envoys: July 20th, 2021

To: National Area Chairs, State Representatives, State
and Local HBA Presidents, HBA Executive Officers,
Senior Life Delegates, Life Delegates, and Spikes
From: Public Affairs Committee Chair Astrid Mangan
Membership Committee Chair Dianne Beaton

At NAHB’s Urging, White House Holds Supply Chain Summit

NAHB’s tireless efforts to encourage the White House to convene a home building materials supply chain summit have borne fruit. NAHB, along with a diverse group of stakeholders, participated in a virtual discussion July 16 hosted by the White House regarding challenges across the home building supply chain, the effects on housing, and possible solutions.


NAHB Publishes 2021 IECC Residential Code Adoption Kit

NAHB has published a code adoption kit for the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). The kit is designed to help local jurisdictions make informed decisions as they consider adoption of the new 2021 IECC residential model energy code, which contains many significant and detrimental changes after a fraught development process.


Congress Needs to Advance Policies that Boost Production

NAHB CEO Jerry Howard is calling on lawmakers to enact policies that will help home builders expand the housing supply, reduce the housing deficit and improve housing affordability and opportunity for all Americans. In a July 14 hearing before the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight, Howard encouraged lawmakers to fix the building materials supply chain, improve the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), and reformulate current homeownership tax incentives.


HBAs Offer Best Practices for Membership Drives

More than 150 HBAs participated in the spring membership drive, which officially wrapped up June 30. NAHB asked leaders of the most successful campaigns for best practices in recruitment and retention. Learn about these HBAs’ tips for success and how your HBA can use the ONE in 21 campaign as part of your membership drive.


Spring Leadership Council Meeting Video Highlights

If you missed the 2021 Spring Leadership Council Meeting in June, you can watch meeting highlights on, including: Chairman Chuck Fowke’s update on the association’s top priorities; Chief Economist Dr. Robert Dietz’ economic forecast; and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo’s address on the lumber issue. You must log-in to to view the videos.

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