Minneapolis Fed Construction Survey – Final Results and Collateral Material
Good morning Construction Survey Partners –
We’re released general survey results into the wild, and I wanted to follow up with all partners to deliver a variety of data products for your organizations, at least some of which I hope you will share with your members.
- May 6 webinar discussing results (30 minutes) — https://www.minneapolisfed.org/events/2022/regional-economic-conditions-construction-sector-activity-may
- A summary PPT of survey results.
- I also offer a lot of time-series results here that are not in the spreadsheet.
- A spreadsheet of survey results, by question, and including comments (always many, and very interesting)
A couple of notes on the survey results:
- The large majority of survey respondents were in Minnesota, so I am not doing any state breakouts
- I offer some sectoral breakdowns in the PPT, but do not provide the data in the spreadsheet in an effort to keep that shorter as well.
- I can provide special cuts of the data on request
- I am also available to talk to your members and/or board of directors to discuss survey results and other “economic conditions” matters
Next survey: On our new bi-annual survey schedule, right now I am planning on the Fall survey in early November (tentatively Nov 7-14). I’ll be in touch when we get closer to that survey.
Thank you again for your commitment to this survey. I hope it provides the value you need to continue.
Ron Wirtz
Regional Outreach Director
Pursuing an economy that works for all of us
W 612-204-5262 M 612-430-4917
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