Codes: TAG Review Report Released Comments Due June 1, 2018
The first phase of the 2015 and 2018 I-Codes review is complete. The process began in January 2018 when the Construction Codes Advisory Committee (CCAC) established Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) to review the 2015 and 2018 I-Codes and make recommendations for potential adoption with amendments to the Minnesota State Building Code. The TAG work is complete and their review has been submitted to the CCAC. The CCAC is now tasked with making recommendations for the adoption of the I-Codes with potential Minnesota amendments. After that the next phase will begin as DLI staff will prepare drafts of each rule for possible adoption.
BAM representatives served on four TAGs as follows:
Code Administration: Kurt Welker
Energy Code TAG: Ed VonThoma
Residential Code TAG: Mike Paradise*
Structural Code: Craig Oswell
Rochester Area Builders Association’s member Mike Paradise, President of Bigelow Homes, represents the Residential Construction Industry on CCAC, too.
BAM members are strongly encouraged to review the TAGs report. It summarizes the TAG findings and is linked here: “2018 International Model Codes Review.”
If you would like to submit input about the report, please complete the Opportunity for Input Form. Once you’ve completed the form, you can click on the “Submit” button on the form OR save the form to your computer, enter your input, and then email it
Please submit your input by June 1, 2018.
The report and any input submitted will be reviewed at the next CCAC meeting scheduled for Thursday, June 21, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. at the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, 443 Lafayette Road North, St. Paul, MN 55155.
Note: Members can view TAG meeting notes, sign up for email updates and follow the process at . The codes provide building standards to regulate the design, construction, addition, alteration, repair, use and location of buildings and structures. They are based on International Code Council model codes (I-Codes) and contain Minnesota-specific construction provisions for structural, life-safety, fire- safety and moisture protection.